How it Works
Top Down Trap-Loc Siding with its ease of installation, totally hidden fasteners and superior resistance to wind and water uplift make it the obvious choice for your next siding project.
With the dawning of each new day come old ways replaced by new ideas. Introducing the Top Down Trap-Loc System by TDS.
Top Down Siding with its ease of installation, totally hidden fasteners and superior resistance to wind and water uplift make it the obvious choice for your next siding project.
A truly new idea. Starting at the top and working their way down, a series of planks identical in size and shape; as they relate to each other. Engaging not only at the top, but also continuously along the bottom edge. Through the use of our unique and fully patented Top Down Trap-Loc System.
The problem with most lap sidings while performing relatively well on a day to day basis, these products seem to bulge, distort, crack, and sometimes come off the house or building entirely failing miserably when wind speeds exceed the norm.
Top Down Siding is the solution. ASTM Tested and certified, successful being exposed to wind and water is speeds in excess of 230 miles per hour at negative pressure well beyond the 155 mile per hour wind of a category five hurricane. No other product compares.
So at the end of the day, if you want the very best, start at the top. Top Down Trap-Loc Systems by TDS.
Today we are going to reinvent the wheel on lap-siding installation. Introducing Top Down Siding by TDS. First we have a starter strip that looks like an inverted J. It consists of a groove or channeled section and a nailing flange along its bottom edge. We will start by applying some adhesive sealant to the back of the strip. Now with our level line established we are going to attach our starter strip with staples. Today we are going over the thermo sheath straight into the studs. Our framing is laid out at 16” on center. With our starter strip firmly attached and straight it’s time to start siding from the top down.
We now begin with our first course. The top of our plank is known as the L-back Trap-Loc tang, this is being inserted into the Trap-Loc recess groove in the starter strip. This serves two purposes: first it traps the top of the plank and it covers the nailing flange and fasteners or the starter strip above. As the plank is pushed up into the recess area it comes to a positive stop, this maintains perfect horizontal alignment. We now secure the plank from the bottom by applying fasteners through the nailing flange. The same method will repeat itself on the way down the wall.
As we reach a window opening, we have simply scribed the area around it. This is giving us an exact reference of where our trim will be attached. Now we engage our next board, as the lower edge of the coarse crosses the path of where the window trim has been scribed, we can now get an accurate reference and mark our desired trim. Once this course clears the window head the entire window trim is installed. As was mentioned earlier, planks continue down the wall relating to one another the same way the starter strip and first coarse did at the beginning of the installation. We have reached the last coarse. Through measuring we have determined the width of the plank needed to complete the job. We now rip the plank length wise in order to make our last coarse fit. With the plank sized we applied adhesive sealant. Pushing the plank in place and pulling up until a positive stop was achieved. In our application today we fastened the plank with 2” stainless steel finish nails shot straight into the bottom plate. Beautiful, sustainable, protection, Top Down Siding by TDS.
Comparative Analysis
A comparative analysis between Top Down Trap-Loc System and traditional siding. TDS is installed from the top down and traditional siding is installed from the bottom up.
TDS uses a unique Top Down Trap-Loc System which means continuous engagement along both the top and bottom edge of every plank making installation easier and level alignment a certainty. Quicker to install, less labor is required. Traditional siding overlaps but does not engage and must have constant control lines to mark the level in order to maintain spacing and control; clearly more labor intensive.
The TDS System has a totally hidden fastener or nailing flange, which is covered by incoming plank from below. No exposed fasteners so no corrosion, plus more resistant to wind and water uplift. With traditional siding to secure the bottom edge completely, unsightly face nailing is required on the surface exposing those fasteners to the elements that will create maintenance problems down the line.
TDS planks mount flush to the substrate whether it is concrete, plywood, or straight to studs, with no space for wind or water to penetrate and cause lift. With traditional siding, every overlap creates an air space under every plank, which can create a vacuum-like lift or a space for water or even insects to gather.
In this revolutionary system there is less waste due to Top TDS Trap-Loc Systems engagement along both top and bottom edge. So cuts and trims do not have to break on a stud. No loss of strength at butt joints or seams. Traditional siding requires that you nail all joints on a stud creating material loss and possible maintenance issues at every seam.
The Top Down Trap-Loc Systems has been ASTM tested and certified up to 230 miles per hour at negative pressure exceeding every known standard as well as the nation’s toughest building codes in Miami Dade County. Buildings with traditional lap siding suffer extensive damage or loss in winds that reach hurricane strength of greater.
TDS planks could be made from various materials including wood, wood composite, concrete or vinyl as part of a “to be designed” integrated system tailored to individual building and aesthesis needs. No matter what material traditional siding is made from, nothing will match TDS in its superior resistance to wind and water uplift.
Green Product
Top Down Siding is a “Green” product. Due to the Trap-Loc design, the planks are engaged at the top and bottom, allowing for full utilization of board feet without having to break on studs. Using the entire plank equals more board on the wall, less in the landfill. Tested and Certified to resist winds of up to at up to 230 miles per hour the Top Down Siding installation offers sustainable protection, reducing if not eliminating costly repairs and replacement, again less waste in the landfill. With its flush to the surface mounting, Top Down Siding will achieve the highest R-factor rating the material used in any particular application will allow. Better R-factor means less energy used.
No trapped air, no weak joints, no exposed fasteners. Greener and smarter in every way.
When you want the very best in lap siding and you want the greenest product, too, start at the top, Top Down Trap-Loc Systems by TDS.
So at the end of the day, start at the top, Top Down Trap-Loc Systems by TDS.
Testing / Results
On April 11th 2007 a uniform static air pressure difference test for exterior curtain walls was performed on Top Down Siding. Test was performed by National Certified Testing Laboratories located in Orlando, Florida. Test was performed in full accordance with ASTM E330-02 with no deviations. This proved that through TDS planks unique shape and top down installation, superior resistance to wind and uplift was achieved. The test wall measuring 4’ high by 8’ wide was exposed to a design positive test of 75 psf = 171 mph. A negative load of 90 psf = 187 mph, all the way up to a full test positive load of 112.5 psf = 210 mph and a full negative load of 135.0 psf = 230 mph. Noting that under full negative load 0.027 deflection was measured. “Test wall” passed both deflection and permanent set.